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Meet our Production Manager: Lari Vandell

Lari Vandell started as V.A.V. Group’s production manager in April 2022. Vandell has experience in managing and supervising production in the metal industry. He takes care of quality control and ensures that work on the production lines runs smoothly.

Lari Vandell applied for the production manager position and joined the team after Easter earlier this year. When asked why he decided to apply for the job, he explained that the company’s forward way of thinking and modern technology made him interested. V.A.V. Group’s investments in better facilities and 3D printing, in particular, gave Vandell a good impression of the company: 

– Details like these pique your interest, and in my case, they definitely contributed to my decision to apply.

Vandell’s career path started off in 2008 behind the grill at Hesburger, where he worked before and after completing his year in military service, and during his higher education. Vandell worked summers in the SSAB steelworks in Raahe, and graduated with a bachelor’s in Mechanical and Production Engineering in 2015. After graduation Vandell created a 3D-printing project for the Haapavesi Technological Center before returning to work at SSAB. For the last four years, Vandell worked as a production manager at Kymsol.

Seamless production lines and quality control

The role of production manager is already familiar to Vandell, whose career path has included several supervising positions. This is Vandell’s first time switching away from steelworks, and the silicone and rubber industry came with new processes and production methods for him to learn, but Vandell is confident in his skills in supervising and production management:

– I’m not sure what pulled me into these managing roles since I never purposefully looked for them, but they always felt right to me. This industry is new and different for me, but my goal and job are still very much the same, I take care of quality control and make sure that the right products go to the right clients when they’re meant to.

Vandell has settled in well at VAV Group and has enjoyed his first months at the job:

– The crew here is great, and I felt welcomed by everyone right from the start. The work community is full of professionals, and everyone is always ready to help and answer questions. 

VAV Group’s three main goals are to provide fast, flexible, and high-quality service and all three are very common themes in Vandell’s day-to-day work:

– This is a cliché, but every day is different and comes with new challenges, he laughs.

–  Each day brings changes that we have to react to and adapt to. Our flexibility and problem-solving skills are what help us tackle those challenges and ensure that everything we produce is high-quality and shipped out to clients on time.

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V.A.V. Group specializes in producing tailor-made profiles for customers who have specific requirements for their products. Our production process is extremely flexible with an ability to quickly produce small to medium size production series. We work together with our customers to find the best solution. The company was founded in 2005 and is located in Ii near Oulu in northern Finland.

If you have any questions about our products or company, don’t be afraid to get in touch with us.

FinnEasy Oy osaksi V.A.V. Groupia

V.A.V. Group on ostanut FinnEasy Oy:n koko osakekannan ja yrityskaupan myötä FinnEasystä on tullut V.A.V. Groupin tytäryhtiö. FinnEasyn vanhat omistajat Juha ja Heini Kultanen jäävät

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